Expert Pet Advice at Your Fingertips

Get instant answers to all your general pet-related questions from our virtual vet, VET ON CALL, available 24/7.

Virtual Vet is NOT a substitute for real Veterinarian Care or A Pet Emergency.

Your Pet's Health, Our Priority

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Why Choose and Vet On Call?

24/7 Availability

Our virtual VET ON CALL is always available, day or night, to answer your questions. We will answer general wellness questions and help you find pet care tips. 

NOTE: Virtual vet is NOT a substitute for a real veterinarian.

If your pet is sick, seek qualified Veterinarian service immediately.

Always Here for You

Receive guidance on pet care that may make a difference in the quality of life for your pet with our virtual vet, VET ON CALL.

From generalized care, habitat, food, cleaning, and more.

You pet is your companion. As pet owners, we are tuned into our pet’s behaviour. Early detection can ward off serious issues.


Personalized Pet Care Tips

If our FAQ’s did not answer your question, our VET ON CALL can help.

While not a substitute for real veterinarian services, if you have a generalized question about care of your pet, we may be able to help.

Get advice tailored specifically to your pet’s needs.

Easy to Use

Our platform is user-friendly and accessible from any device.

We can also help you find a real vet. VET ON CALL is powered by ChatGPT and can offer general guidance on caring for your pet.

Proper and regular Veterinarian care, just like your checkups, will keep your pet healthy and thriving.


Have a Pet Health Question?

Ask our virtual vet – VET ON CALL. Click on  GREEN  ICON BOTTOM LEFT.

Not a substitute for a real vet. If your pet is sick or injured please contact a local vet.

Vet On Call

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